I STILL can't be seen near my home while skirted.

General discussion of skirt and kilt-based fashion for men, and stuff that goes with skirts and kilts.
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I STILL can't be seen near my home while skirted.

Post by hairy »

For a long while now I've been able to go most places while skirted, with my wife or alone, out shopping or just walking and not careing if anyone should say anything negative. Its my life and I'll wear what I want. So why the hell do I worry so much about the nasty narrow minded people in my road seeing me? Why do I go for a little walk at night under the the cover of darkness? Most of the people in my road I can't stand, but a few I do get on well with. I just don't want the horrid ones causing my problems. I know what many of you think to that, and yes I should just ignore some, but beleave me the old folk in my street are so stupid the would even be calling up the police, shock horror there is a man in our road wearing a skirt. I need some advice on how to get over this little problem, and I won't be moving house.
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Re: I STILL can't be seen near my home while skirted.

Post by Caultron »

Just do it.

I'm no expert on Brittish law but I strongly suspect the police would just have to tell your neighbors you weren't breaking any laws.
Courage, conviction, nerve, verve, dash, panache, guts, nuts, balls, gall, élan, stones, whatever. Get some and get skirted.

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Re: I STILL can't be seen near my home while skirted.

Post by Fred in Skirts »

As long as you are not exposed, you can wear what you like. :-D
If the old bats call the coppers let them it will probably get them in trouble, it will not get you in trouble. :ncool: It works the same way here in the US of A. Calling the coppers for such nonsense will get you a hefty fine, since it is a waste of time and money for them to come out and investigate the so called crime and they just don't like doing that. :batman:
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Re: I STILL can't be seen near my home while skirted.

Post by Sinned »

hairy, I had almost a phobia about going to my local newsagents for a paper wearing a skirt ( now what a newspaper would be doing wearing a skirt I don't know ) and it took me yonks to get the courage but now .... it's 6 something am and when I finish this post I'll be getting dressed, in a black knee-length skater skirt and a pink T-shirt with a large purple Puma logo on it, and off to pick up my Sunday newspaper. Don't sweat the small stuff - it's not worth it. You'll find as I have that I was worried about nothing - just go about your business as if it's the most natural thing in the world.
Last edited by Sinned on Sun Jun 18, 2017 5:30 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: I STILL can't be seen near my home while skirted.

Post by moonshadow »

Okay, lets practice together Hairy...

Like you, I have no trouble going out and about in whatever I want. Being in my own neighborhood has always been a little challenging. I recall being nervous hanging around in my old yard in Damascus VA, which was situated right above a 15 site RV park that the landlord also owned. I wondered if he would object to seeing me out in a skirt scaring off his customers! I later found out that one of the RV'ers did object to my choice in dress and complained to the landlord about it. The landlord told them where to go... :D

Now in Marion, my immediate neighbor is well adjusted to seeing me in whatever suits my fancy. Even other neighbors up the road have seen me and have given me no trouble.

Still yet, now that we are about to move again to a new town, I find myself, once again, apprehensive about being seen openly around the new house with a skirt on. What's even more bizarre is I'll be buying, not renting this place, so there isn't even any landlord to contend with. Nobody can kick me out, nobody can really cause a real problem, and yet I have my concerns.

I think one reason for it, is I know we're in this for the long haul, for better or worse, we are anchored here. If it gets tough, we have to just deal with it. It's also a small, HIGHLY conservative and Protestant town, with a small population, (3,424 souls in the town of Lebanon, 28,897 in Russell County), right smack in the middle, one county from Kentucky, West Virginia, and Tennessee. There is an Apostolic Church just over the hill from the house, and you can literally see the transmitting antenna for Living Faith Television from the kitchen window.

But if you think I'm going to box up and donate the skirts and start acting "normal" again, you'd be wrong! I've already been driving through and making some stops at the local businesses skirted just to feel out the vibe. I have had no trouble, and when I move, I will most certainly be wearing one of my shorter knee length skirts as it will be mid July and probably hot as hell.

Surely to God Hairy if I can wear skirts and dresses in this environment, you can pull it off where you live.

So... lets do it! 8) Lets master this challenge!
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Re: I STILL can't be seen near my home while skirted.

Post by oldsalt1 »

Lets get the facts straight. Your wife is ok with your skirts. one more time your wife is ok with your skirts. Should I say it again. based on that why do you give a S--T what some screwy neighbor thinks. If you look at a lot of my posts I am outside in a skirt my neighbors that care about me don't care what I wear . The rest of them I have no contact with and I don't care what they think. I know its hard but just do it monday take out the trash and go get the mail in your skirt.
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Re: I STILL can't be seen near my home while skirted.

Post by hairy »

All your replies are right Its so stupid of me to worry about the old alcoholic woman over the road who I don't talk to or her evil friends who gossip about EVERYONE. I've Been able to go most places skirted but stepping from garden to the car is about 5 yards and I wear jeans for that bit. IN my garden I wear tiny mini skirts and don't care if people out the back see me. That is when I wear anything as sun bathing naked here in England is not against the law, indeed being naked in public here is not against the law but I still find it impossible to walk those 5 yards to the car even in a full length kilt. Its all to do with being in an area where people might know me that I have problems with. Its always been me that weras skirts and wife in trousers but yesterday it was 32c and the wife and daughter were for once in dress but because we went to shops close by I put on sticky hot jeans and hated it. Its gonna be even hotter today and I've gotta get over it, thats what I tell people who see my nail varnish, just get over it, its no big deal, but really letting the old gits around me see me skirted is a big deal for me. I'll get there in the end.
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Re: I STILL can't be seen near my home while skirted.

Post by denimini »

I put off wearing a skirt locally in public until after I had done so anonymously when travelling, in cities and other contry towns. I now find that wearing a skirt locally is easier because it is a familiar sight to local people and a novelty can only remain a novelty for so long. The more often you wear a skirt locally the quicker you will achieve normalisation. No doubt people initially talked about me an espostulated about my reasoning or sanity but now they realise and accept that I am really the same person, minus a metre or so of cotton thread. There was the odd hard nut to crack but when 95% of other people totally accepted my choice of clothing, they lost confidence in their mindset. In fact I think you will find that wearing a skirt locally, you will have a large majority of people accepting your choice of clothing and they will be a buffer to any bigots that might bother you.
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Re: I STILL can't be seen near my home while skirted.

Post by mishawakaskirt »

I pumped gas in knee lenghth denim skirt on Friday. About 2 miles away from my home. Not really a big deal. Made no contact with any one, nor did anyone even look my way.
It s a world of diffrence from wearing a skirt indoors to wearing one out side.
I'm addicted to the "open air" its amazing how many subtle air currents there are even on a fairly calm and hot day. And without a doubt cooler than shorts.
I mostly wear my skirts in the car. Cause I can't wear them at home. My wife just last night called my skirts and kilts a fettish.
Hoping to have a chat today about that. Tired of having to wear skirts in the underground.

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Avoid the middle man, wear a kilt or skirt.
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Re: I STILL can't be seen near my home while skirted.

Post by Sinned »

Well, misha, let's get back to basics here. A fetish is defined as "a form of sexual desire in which gratification is linked to an abnormal degree to a particular object, item of clothing, part of the body, etc". So whereas you are probably like me, you may get some satisfactions from wearing a skirt, comfort, coolness, style and so on sexual satisfaction is not one of them. So it can't be a fetish. I know that she is just taunting you but even MOH has never accused me of that.

I made some baby steps in my campaign for skirts this weekend and MOH's objection base is crumbling. As far as I know she's the only one in my family that has any major objections to my skirt wearing. Good luck on your skirt campaign - it looks like I am a little ahead of you in the race but we will get there or die trying.
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Re: I STILL can't be seen near my home while skirted.

Post by RichardA »

Get yourself a Kilt, the worse that can happen is some people will say “your not Scottish you canna
wear the Kilt” Oh yes you can there loads of non clan tartans for you to wear, once people except that the change over to a skirt will be a lot easier, loads of cheap kilts on ebay even plain black ones.
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Re: I STILL can't be seen near my home while skirted.

Post by mugman »

I'll second that. My favourite kilt currently, in this hot spell, is a lightweight non-clan grey tartan. This weekend it received three favourable comments from the public. It's 100% acrylic which makes it soft and flouncy - just like a skirt, but is still a kilt. No good, mind you, in breezy situations.

As far as plain black kilts go, I have three. I wore one on Friday for a photoshoot connected with my musical activities...together with a very 'loud' floral shirt. The photo should be in North Devon Gazette on Wednesday (it goes online as well) in a charity feature - though the kilt might not be particularly obvious as I'm sitting behind a keyboard. Wearing a kilt is all good fun, and people respect it. I've never received negative responses, apart from once when an elderly lady accused me of being a Cockney (I'm not), and therefore not entitled to wear one. Bless her.

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Re: I STILL can't be seen near my home while skirted.

Post by r.m.anderson »

RichardA wrote:Get yourself a Kilt, the worse that can happen is some people will say “your not Scottish you canna
wear the Kilt” Oh yes you can there loads of non clan tartans for you to wear, once people except that the change over to a skirt will be a lot easier, loads of cheap kilts on ebay even plain black ones.
Ya donna havta be Scottish to wear the kilt - you can also be Irish !

If it is plaid and pleated call it a kilt !

A kilt is a "Man's Skirt" and donna you forget it !
"Kilt-On" -or- as the case may be "Skirt-On" !
Isn't wearing a kilt enough?
Well a skirt will do in a pinch!
Make mine short and don't you dare think of pinching there !
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Re: I STILL can't be seen near my home while skirted.

Post by hairy »

RichardA wrote:Get yourself a Kilt, the worse that can happen is some people will say “your not Scottish you canna
wear the Kilt” Oh yes you can there loads of non clan tartans for you to wear, once people except that the change over to a skirt will be a lot easier, loads of cheap kilts on ebay even plain black ones.
I do have a utility kilt but I feel just the same in that. The ONLY difference is that I don't worry about ANYONE seeing me out and about in that, but its long, heavy and hot, So my light skirts feel so much better. I think I must have some sort of phobia about neighbours seeing my legs because I feel the same if I were to wear shorts. Maybe it is because the old curtain twitchers in my road, they do tend to watch every thing I do. That's because I stand out with being a biker, they don't like me, I don't like them.
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Re: I STILL can't be seen near my home while skirted.

Post by hairy »

Just to add, I did manage a few times this week going out of my garden in a skirt to water my plants. Out of the side gate to public footpath, round to my front door with watering cans a few times. I could feel the old bag's eyes over the road burning in to me, and she's probably been on phone to all the old farts in my road. What do I care, I'm going to get over this.
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