About time I said hello!

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About time I said hello!

Post by Keyworth »

Hi all, as I've jumped in on a thread for my first post I thought I should also say a formal hello to you all too! To be honest I've been reading posts in the shadows for quite a while but had never posted until last week as I wanted to share the little story my first proper public skirted outing (see "Out and about - In the World at large" page 104)

That was a pretty big step for me and one I think I took partly due to the confidence I've gained from reading posts on this site. While over the years I've bought items from the "other side of the aisle" so to speak, it's only been in the last 5 years or so that I've started to wear skirts and even then only while at home and only when my wife is out (she knows but just doesn't want to see me in a skirt which is fair enough).

Fortunately I work from home quite a lot so I have plenty of opportunity to indulge myself and most days now I wear a skirt while at home as I find them so comfortable. My wife always calls me when leaving work too not only to say hi but she knows it give some me time to switch back into "male" clothes. I know some would suggest I push the boundaries a bit (and believe me I have over the years!), but this arrangement works well for us. That said I've had some close calls with unexpected visitors to the house but my office looks down our driveway so I get a couple of seconds "warning" and I've worked out an "emergency" quick change procedure!

I'm not saying I'm ashamed of wearing skirts or anything like that, it's just a gradual process of feeling confident enough to be seen by others. I have once deliberately answered the door to a delivery driver while skirted and nothing was said, but what I thought was going to be a 10 second exchange of taking a parcel turned into several mins of confusion and rebooking the delivery (its was a parcel for my sister in law and apparently only she could sign for it). My heart sank as I realised the same driver was then going to deliver the parcel to her later in the day and I spent the next couple of days worrying a bit that he might have mentioned my attire to her!

I shouldn't have worried really as I doubt she'd have cared in retrospect (she would have teased me a bit though I'm sure as that's her personality), as she's caught me wearing tights before and she's since helped paint my nails for me after last year I discovered the fun of wearing a bit of nail polish while on holiday!

Anyway I'm waffling on now. So I just wanted to say hello to you all and tell you a bit about me and I'll look forward to posting a bit more now and of course reading everyone else's posts!!
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Re: About time I said hello!

Post by Kirbstone »

Hi Keyworth & welcome.

I know Brum well. Have a son & his family living nearby (Rowley Green). Advantage no. 1 for you is that you've got Wifey on board.
As Ian Milfmog will no doubt say to you...Have Fun!

Carpe Diem......Seize the Day !
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Re: About time I said hello!

Post by Caultron »

Welcome, Keyworth, and best of luck working through those confidence issues!
Courage, conviction, nerve, verve, dash, panache, guts, nuts, balls, gall, élan, stones, whatever. Get some and get skirted.

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Re: About time I said hello!

Post by skirtyscot »

Welcome, Keyworth!

Interesting that your wife knows about your excellent choice of attire, yet you think it's "fair enough" that she doesn't see you skirted, even at home. I think you want to work on that. Even if she doesn't like it, why should you hide it away?
Keep on skirting,

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