Hi, I'm new here

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Hi, I'm new here

Post by Happy-N-Skirts »

Hi, I'm new here. Eight years ago I had groin surgery followed by a painful recovery. I decided the most comfortable thing I could wear would be a skirt. I bought a tennis skirt to wear around the house. It was the right decision. I retired fairly young have several hobbies, including nature and wildlife photography and hiking. Naturally I decided the most comfortable thing to wear hiking would be an above the knee skirt. I bought the skirt in a sporting goods store and was not sure of my size. I asked if I could try on two sizes to see which was the better fit. The sales lady was in a state of shock with big eyes and mouth open. I thought it was funny and tried on both skirts and wanted to check out before the lady started telling everyone about the man trying on skirts. I have since been back to that store several times and received no reaction.

Fast forward. I am out in the field at least once a week taking pictures of landscapes and wildlife. I have a set of game cameras which I place in very remote areas over bait. I have some excellent photos and enter them in competitions. I always wear a skirt when I am hiking, which is normally about a half mile to a mile and check for vehicle tracks and human footprints. It is a pleasure to hike in a skirt as it allows unlimited stride and ventilation. I have tried commando and don't recommend it, try it if you want to. I look forward to my skirted hikes. A skirt is very comfortable when driving as nothing binds or pulls at my crotch as pants and do. Skirts are great for climbing over rocks and logs. I have never been surprised by humans or vehicles.

I begin my photography days by getting in my vehicle in the morning and stop at a fast food restaurant to buy my lunch for the day. I wear a skirt in restaurants, stores, gas stations, ranger stations, etc. I am careful getting in and out of my vehicle and block anyone's view behind the door. I choose a parking space accordingly. I normally sit on a tee shirt on the driver's seat and will roll it up and take it with me into a restaurant and place it over my knees as a napkin to conceal my modesty.

Sometimes my wife goes with me and she has several hiking skirts; Columbia, Patagonia, Marmot, etc. She likes me in a skirt and has given me some hints about being careful bending over, I visit national and state parks, wildlife refuges, nature preserves, trails, lakes, and rivers. I meet a lot of people along the way, many are foreign tourists, and none of them seem to notice, and if they do, it is usually complimentary or a quick look. I suspect many wish they had my fortitude, some women look admiringly, and most would consider the practicality. I have been to major retail stores, grocery stores, convenience stores, etc. I don't wear skirts in public near where I live, but am comfortable over ten miles from home. Some of my neighbors have seen me and haven't commented or noticed.

I feel like I am privileged and know something that other men don't. I usually buy skirts and then have them shortened to above the knee. They resemble shorts and therefore go unnoticed. I always like to try them on as sizes differ between manufactures and style. I go to a dry cleaner for shortening and like to put the skirts on and be measured. I made the mistake of telling them what length I prefer and a couple of them were too short. This way I am sure.

Things are different now and I have no problem shopping for women's skirts. I have had conversations with sales associates about other male customers, or the merits of wearing a skirt for outdoor wear. I can pull up my skirt while driving on hot days so the air conditioner keeps things cool and dry. I have had sales ladies ask whether I will show them how skirts fit or look after I try them on. I think it's fun.

If anyone would like the skirt wearing experience, I suggest wearing one while driving, while walking in remote areas, try a nature walk, do it on days or times of the year when large groups or children are likely to be there. My skirts are denim, khaki, camouflage, and may or may not have pockets. I either wear a back pack or carry a camouflage shoulder bag. Pockets on skirts are fine for my keys. All of my skirts are right above my knees to allow freedom of movement and resemble shorts. I prefer less flair and I like light weight stretch fabric. I would like to find a wrap skirt to allow movement and it would be easier to change in to and out of while wearing boots.

I am glad to be here and look forward to sharing skirt experiences.

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Re: Hi, I'm new here

Post by Caultron »

Thanks for the intro, Happy-N-Skirts. I'm sure you'll fit in well here.

Do you ever wear trousers? And if so, where and why?

Also, can you give us a hint where you're located? A US state or European country would be good, or perhaps a city.
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Re: Hi, I'm new here

Post by beachlion »

Welcome here.
Your experience in the woods sounds very familiar. When I started wearing skirts, I did that on trails in a nearby wood. I biked to my start, changed into skirts and started walking over the mountain bike paths. I loved the freedom with walking and climbing and now I'm rolling my skirt wearing out over other parts of my surroundings.
I started modifying old jeans into mini skirts, bought a few but decided to sewing them myself because of the crazy sizing policies.
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Re: Hi, I'm new here

Post by Happy-N-Skirts »

Yes, I wear trousers most of the time, especially near where we live. If anyone I know would discover what I like to wear they might draw a wrong conclusion and word would get around. I was out shopping yesterday for a grandchild's gift and to buy a lottery ticket. No one noticed my skirt and I was very comfortable in retail store environments. I am on my way to one of my favorite areas to photograph. I will be in a group this weekend and will be wearing shorts rather than a skirt. I would not want to the the only man wearing a skirt in our group. I am always scouting for new areas for photography.

I live in southern California in a desert resort community. It is still in the upper 80's and low 90's around us. I will be in a higher altitude where it will be cooler.

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Re: Hi, I'm new here

Post by mishawakaskirt »

I think you will like it here.

You will be quick to find we are from all around, all ages, all walks of life, good natured, and good humored.

Best wishes,
Part time, in kilts, and knee length or longer skirts for almost 20 years.
Mishawakaskirt @2wayskirt on Twitter

Avoid the middle man, wear a kilt or skirt.
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Re: Hi, I'm new here

Post by Caultron »

Happy-N-Skirts wrote:Yes, I wear trousers most of the time, especially near where we live. If anyone I know would discover what I like to wear they might draw a wrong conclusion and word would get around.
Yes, those close to us can be the most frightening. I suppose if some stranger thinks you're a nutcase, you don't care so much about it.
Happy-N-Skirts wrote:I was out shopping yesterday for a grandchild's gift and to buy a lottery ticket. No one noticed my skirt and I was very comfortable in retail store environments.
Congratulations on your confidence!

Do you show some distance from home, then?
Happy-N-Skirts wrote:I am on my way to one of my favorite areas to photograph. I will be in a group this weekend and will be wearing shorts rather than a skirt. I would not want to the the only man wearing a skirt in our group. I am always scouting for new areas for photography.
I belong to a hiking club and hike with them almost every weekend, and for the last three years I've almost always worn utility kilts. The other members were surprised at first, but never negative. Now, it's just a matter of course.
Happy-N-Skirts wrote:I live in southern California in a desert resort community. It is still in the upper 80's and low 90's around us. I will be in a higher altitude where it will be cooler.
I live in central Arizona, which has similar temperatures. Much better than arctic boots and great furry parkas.
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Re: Hi, I'm new here

Post by skirted_in_SF »

Since it has decided to be warm here in SF Bay Area the last couple of weeks, I've been out hiking last Wednesday and today wearing my Skirtcraft skirt. I took some pictures last week (fall colors on maple trees and a newt that crossed the trail). No pictures this week, it's dark and monochromatic under the redwood trees.
Since skirts are now my usual attire, I don't have any problem wearing them driving to where I plan to hike. Going out mid-week I only run into a few other people on the trail. Today two pairs and one single bicyclist, last week one bicyclist illegally riding in a park closed to bikes. Both parks are part of the Peninsula Open Space District system south of San Francisco.
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Re: Hi, I'm new here

Post by tesjolts »

Welcome Happy-n-Skirts...

post some pics of your outfits when you can


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Re: Hi, I'm new here

Post by Pdxfashionpioneer »

Thank you for joining us Happy-N-Skirts!

Welcome to the Skirt Café!
David, the PDX Fashion Pioneer

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Re: Hi, I'm new here

Post by Happy-N-Skirts »

I don't know how to post photos on this site.

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Re: Hi, I'm new here

Post by Milfmog »

Happy-N-Skirts wrote:I don't know how to post photos on this site.

There is a guide to photoposting here. It looks more complicated than it is.

Have fun,

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Re: Hi, I'm new here

Post by Jim »

Happy-N-Skirts wrote:I don't know how to post photos on this site.

Above is the long version. If you are using a computer and have the photo stored on your computer you can upload it. When you are posting, there is a tab below the text entry box labeled "Upload attachment". Here you can browse to where your picture is stored on your computer and upload it. It will just be an attachment at the end of your post unless you check the Place Inline box.

You will need to resize a large picture, using any number of free programs, some cloud-based. Try making the larger dimension 600 pixels.
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Re: Hi, I'm new here

Post by Fred in Skirts »


Welcome to the skirt cafe Happy-N-Skirts. You will find answers to most of your questions here and also some very fine people to become friends with.
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Re: Hi, I'm new here

Post by skirtedbrit »

Hi and welcome.
10 years ago I too had groin surgery followed by months of severe pain and I bought a cheap skirt and dress which relieved the pain and recovery speeded up. Unfortunately, a year later I had to have a second operation followed by more pain. Skirts and dresses too the rescue! Since then I have gained in confidence and being 100% supported by my wife find that I only wear trousers when essential and I find wearing them a little strange and a lot uncomfortable.
I have been a hillwalker/mountaineer/caver/ photographer and skier for over 50 years and wish I had worn skirts all of that time. I only wear trousers when the weather is bad and have never had any adverse comments or problems anywhere. This includes shopping, pubs, socialising, driving as well as the usual around the house stuff.
Over the years I have acquired many skirts, several dresses and a couple of kilts to the point that they are starting to outnumber my trousers! 90% of my skirt wearing is for comfort and variety and 10% is an Up Yours! to the world.
Good luck and enjoy the freedom of skirts.
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