Do folks notice or not?

General discussion of skirt and kilt-based fashion for men, and stuff that goes with skirts and kilts.
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Re: Do folks notice or not?

Post by dillon »

Good find, Al. Thanks for sharing it.
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Re: Do folks notice or not?

Post by Uncle Al »

Thanks dillon but I'm not the person responsible for the post.
TheSkirtedMan is the original poster - -
The SkirtedMan wrote:I have followed a new blog writer by a man in a skirt and
his recent blog is very fitting for this particular thread. ... dging-you/
But I'm sure you agree, the article is well written :D

Uncle Al
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Re: Do folks notice or not?

Post by crfriend »

As the writer in the linked article says, overt comments -- some of which can be very positive and uplifting -- usually come from women; men are more reticent about such matters and, so, are less likely to comment.

However, people do notice, and some level of talk always goes on behind one's back -- which to be entirely expected given that the bloke wearing a skirt at the local "establishment" has just thrown a sartorial curve-ball instead of the usual fastball or sinker.

Such as it was when I was departing the new place I'm frequenting, mainly because it's close to where I landed a new apartment, but also because it's highly unlikely I'll run into my ex- there considering I'm still under a restraining-order which prohibits me from getting within 100 yards of her or even contacting her electronically from a distance (which has already caused serious problems, likely including the death of my cat at the hands of the State). People talk. This evening I ran into a guy when I was on my way out to go home, and he chatted me up for a bit -- which is usually welcome unless I'm on a tight time-budget -- regarding my attire. Word has it that I'm being talked about, and folks are curious what I do because of my clothing; the current scuttlebutt is that I'm some sort of historical interpreter, and I was happy to quash that notion right off by simply saying that I'm a computer systems administrator and I dress the way I do because I like it. The entire exchange was very cordial and somewhat congratulatory to me for having the guts to be so different. Perhaps others will now speak up as well; I'm usually happy to chat with folks. it sets them at ease with the "strangely-dressed fellow at the bar".

I call this a win.

(My all-time favourite, though, was when I got hailed by the bride at her wedding photo-shoot in the Boston Public Gardens who made it quite plain to all around, "I like your skirt!". Things like that put a real spring in one's step.)
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Re: Do folks notice or not?

Post by Eborian »

Was out shopping the other day in Burnham-on-Sea wearing a knee length denim skirt with black tights. Plenty of people about but no comments.
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Re: Do folks notice or not?

Post by Barefoot Joe »

My family went shopping yesterday at one of the biggest malls here around. Mall might be an understatement, it's more like a small town with hundreds of shops. In Germany all shops are closed on Sundays, leaving only Saturday as family shopping day, so we had to share the place with thousands of others. I was wearing an ankle length denim skirt and boy did I get the looks. ;) Some giggles too from the usual teenager groups, but at least no serious comments. I'm not shure if it was the skirt causing the looks - it might also have been my lack of shoes despite the chilly weather or the nailpolish. Anyway - some additional hundred people now got the idea that men can actually wear skirts in public. And tights. Because when the sun came out it got to warm and i changed into a denim mini with black leggings, causing even more irritation. Isn't it strange? There were literally hundreds of girls wearing tights and a mini skirt or dress and they get along totally unnoticed. But put the very same outfit on a man and heads will turn so fast, you'll hear ears flapping in the wind... ;)
I also went into some clothes shops with MOH and strolling through the womans section with her, we also came across some skirts. I fell in love with a stretchy patterned mini pencil and a knee length khaki skirt - my first one with the zipper on the back :) It was the first time I actually was shopping in the womans section and I was nervous as hell. But I did it. I even tried them on amongst all the other woman and guess what? The earth did not come to a grinding halt. *Phew* ;)

Oh, and on Friday we visited a fair for creative DIY (sewing, quilting, embossing, painting, scrapbook, etc.) I was wearing grey leggings with a black denim skirt which I thought to be not that flashy but I underestimated some hundred very creative woman. ;) There were just a few men on the fair, and being the only one in a skirt, I was as inconspicuous to the girls as a brightly colored unicorn strolling the corridors. ;) MOH had a fun time walking a few meters behind me and watching all the reactions. Most of them were just wondering, some "why not?" remarks and no negative comments. Well, in the upshot it was a creativity fair and what could be more creative than a man wearing a skirt? :mrgreen: You might be wondering what I did on that fair: I'll attend a sewing course in mid December and needed some sewing tools and additonal parts for our sewing machine. The lady leading the course already asked me to think about a first project and suggested some easy sweatpants. She'll be slightly surprised when I show up with a cargo skirt pattern... ;)
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Re: Do folks notice or not?

Post by STEVIE »

I'll set a small scene, the location, a mall cafe and I was seated having my usual lunch break. A couple of acquaintances whom I haven't seen in long time wandered by.
They didn't join me but we exchanged small talk regarding our kids, the common interest. The lady, however spotted something unusual and couldn't seem to figure it out.
Her attempts at surreptitious glances were very amusing and I did nothing to enlighten her.
I wonder if she has figured it out yet?
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Re: Do folks notice or not?

Post by Couya »

There were literally hundreds of girls wearing tights and a mini skirt or dress
What? Women still wear skirts in Germany? You no longer see many in France these days (and I don't mean just winter; the majority gave up skirts 20-30 years ago, young and old alike, rain or shine). Perhaps that is why I do not feel in the least feminine wearing a skirt.

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Re: Do folks notice or not?

Post by denimini »

TheSkirtedMan wrote:
I have followed a new blog writer by a man in a skirt and his recent blog is very fitting for this particular thread. ... dging-you/
Yes, well written and raises a couple of good points.
Male skirtwearing is a good filter - I think generally a litmus test for prejudice.
Some people have no choice in being different, a minority skin colour, disability, etc. Perhaps everyone should experience being in a minority of some sort to aquire a greater understanding.
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Re: Do folks notice or not?

Post by skirted_in_SF »

Couya wrote:
There were literally hundreds of girls wearing tights and a mini skirt or dress
What? Women still wear skirts in Germany? You no longer see many in France these days (and I don't mean just winter; the majority gave up skirts 20-30 years ago, young and old alike, rain or shine). Perhaps that is why I do not feel in the least feminine wearing a skirt.

I feel sorry for you Martin. As is usual for SF, we had a sunny day in the low 60s F between rainy days last Friday and a good number of women responded by wearing skirts and even a few dresses. I had read a less optimistic forecast and wore pants, though I had worn a skirt the Friday before. I wore my Skirtcraft skirt Saturday despite the mist that blew through from time to time.
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Re: Do folks notice or not?

Post by Bamaskirting »

I've only been out a handful of times in a skirt and once in a dress. at first, I thought people didn't notice. but how can one not notice a guy in a teal skater skirt? I think they just don't care or don't want to offend. I have got some smiles from some cashiers at stores and stuff. and a couple of curious questions. but most do not seem to even bat an eye. I find that odd because I have never seen a guy other than myself wearing a skirt in Alabama.
I don't do it to get attention. but a small part of me wants people to at least compliment my attire at least once.
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Re: Do folks notice or not?

Post by Caultron »

Many people do, in fact, not notice. How much do you scrutinize other people's clothes? Usually your busy with your own affairs.

Of those who do notice, most, after possibly an initial surprise, in fact don't care, at least not very much.

I suppose a very few do seriously object, but after two years of wearing kilts and skirts in public, no one has reacted with more than a frown or a rolled eyeball.

And if look around and you'll find quite a few other people dressing to surprise or shock other people, whether for attention, rebellion, or whatever. Maybe they're not men wearing skirts, but they push the rules their way and you punch the rules your way.

And in the end it's all just cloth.
Courage, conviction, nerve, verve, dash, panache, guts, nuts, balls, gall, élan, stones, whatever. Get some and get skirted.

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Re: Do folks notice or not?

Post by JeffB1959 »

Oh, yes, people do indeed notice, but most choose not to say anything and simply go about their business. More often than not, I barely get more than a cursory look, a curious glance or a double take while on my outings, no big deal at all. Like Caultron said, it's just cloth.
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Re: Do folks notice or not?

Post by partlyscot »

I definitely got noticed last Friday, I had been walking around one of the local malls, and had heard a young boy talking to his Mother behind me. The boy was about 5 or so, and I hadn't noticed what he said, but I certainly paid attention to his Mother's reply! "That's not how it works, boys or girls, anybody can wear what they like."

I swung round and gave her a big grin as I carried on walking. :D
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Re: Do folks notice or not?

Post by denimini »

partlyscot wrote:I definitely got noticed last Friday, I had been walking around one of the local malls, and had heard a young boy talking to his Mother behind me. The boy was about 5 or so, and I hadn't noticed what he said, but I certainly paid attention to his Mother's reply! "That's not how it works, boys or girls, anybody can wear what they like."

I swung round and gave her a big grin as I carried on walking. :D
That was an important bit of education for him, from a sensible parent. He would have missed that if you weren't wearing a skirt.
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Re: Do folks notice or not?

Post by skirtingtheissue »

Got a rare comment about my skirt today (khaki Style J above-the-knee skirt). Usually no one says anything, and I like it when they do, because it gives me a chance to do a little skirt promotion. I was in a small health food market and the woman behind the counter asked, nicely, "If you don't mind my asking, what's with the skirt?" I replied "It's just super, super comfortable." She said "Maybe you're starting a trend." I mentioned that actually there IS a movement started, that is not very visible as of yet, but there is an internet forum for men who like to sear skirts, the Skirt Cafe… We chatted for a couple more minutes and she had a positive and open attitude, and I enjoyed the exchange.

When I heard about skirting, I jumped in with both feet!
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