Advice sought on pocket-squares

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Advice sought on pocket-squares

Post by crfriend »

The subject says it all. I'm after advice on how to do fancy things with the "pocket square" that came with my new "vivid red paisley" ascot the other day. It arrived folded once in half in one axis and then twice on the other yielding a rectangle roughly 5" by 2 1/2". (The actual measurement may be different as I used my "handspan" of approximately 10 inches thumb-to-pinky as the base.)

The way it came was good enough for last night, and it looked pretty darned good in the upper pocket of my black waistcoat, but I want points sticking up, not just a plain edge -- and I can't for the life of me seem to figure out how to fold the thing to make it so. (This may be laziness on my part or distraction; I had a nasty software bug that I wanted to slay today and that's been eating at the number of cycles available for other things.)

I am no expert in origami, so pointers -- with diagrams and instructions -- are very welcome!
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Re: Advice sought on pocket-squares

Post by Sarongman »

I'm no expert here, though I'm sure I saw some detailed instructions on folding these items on the internet, so maybe Gargle will find a way. I, myself, find these of little use; the material is too flimsy for their use as a handkerchief and so, I will plump for the latter (plain and of quality cotton) as having use as well as decorative.
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Re: Advice sought on pocket-squares

Post by Uncle Al »

The "Trick" I learned is to lay the handkerchief flat. Take the bottom
right corner and fold it up to the upper left corner - giving a triangle.
Next take the lower left corner AND the upper right corner and fold
up to the upper left corner. Now you have a square 1/4 the size of
the original square. Fold the lower left corner towards the middle
using the diagonal line formed from the previous folds. Next, take
the upper right corner and fold it towards the middle "line" so the
'points' of the lower left just touch the 'points' of the upper right at
the diagonal line. Pick up the handkerchief, holding it in one hand
with the 'points' under your fingers. Place the handkerchief into the
coat breast pocket, fingers to the back of the pocket. Gently 'puff-out'
the 'points' at the top of the handkerchief.

Uncle Al
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